In collaboration with The Museum of Modern Art
"Foreclosed: Rehousing the American Dream," is a workshop and exhibition collaboration with the Museum of Modern Art. Jointly conceived and curated by Barry Bergdoll, MoMA’s Chief Curator of Architecture and Design, and Reinhold Martin, Buell Center Director, Foreclosed will examine new architectural possibilities for American cities and suburbs in the context of the recent foreclosure crisis.
Buell Center research will form a brief for a set of five architect-led interdisciplinary teams, who will design hypothetical projects for selected sites within five representative areas, outlined in The Buell Hypothesis. Using a combination of quantitative and qualitative criteria, a team of graduate students researchers and faculty at the Buell Center has identified these locales as representative of the challenges facing municipalities nationwide in the wake of the recent foreclosure crisis. Though located on actual sites, the projects developed by the design teams will be hypothetical in nature, and meant primarily to demonstrate the possibilities for addressing a variety of architectural and urban planning challenges in innovative and compelling ways. Taken together, we hope that these projects will offer tools for imagining a sustainable and equitable future for America's suburbs. Images here are from the two-day Open Studio event at MoMA PS1. The next Open Studio will be held on September 17, 2011 at MoMA PS1. An exhibition of the projects, entitled “Foreclosed: Rehousing the American Dream,” will open at MoMA in 2012.
Read "Foreclosed: Rewriting the Script" and follow the Inside/Out Blog
This project is supported in part by an award from the National Endownment for the Arts