Saturday, May 12, 2001
501 Schermerhorn Hall
A presentation of papers by doctoral candidates from international graduate schools based on dissertation research in areas related to American architecture, landscape, and urbanism, with scholarly commentary and discussion.
9:15 - 9:30 Introduction
Convener: Dell Upton, UC Berkley
9:30 - 11:15 Institution-Building
Tania Martin, UC Berkley, "Canonical Disruptions: The Roles Nuns Played in Developing an Architecture of Catholic Charity"
Dale Allen Gyure, University of Virginia, "The Improved School Machine": Efficiency, Education, and Architecture in the Early Twentieth Century School of Gary, Indiana"
Angel David Nieves, Cornell University, "To Erect Above the Ruined Auction Block... Institutions of Learning": African American Architects, Race, Women, and the Artifacts of Nation Making in the Post-Reconstruction South"
Response: Gwendolyn Wright, Columbia University
11:15 - 2:00 Popular Culture and Counterculture
Barbara Penner, London Consortium, "The Desired Charm of Privacy: Bridal Chambersin Mid-Nineteenth-Century America"
Nick Yablon, University of Chicago, "The "Met Life" in Ruins: Architectural Obsolescence, Popular Fiction, and the City of the Future (Anterior), 1909-1919"
Caroline Maniaque, Université de Paris 8, "Hard and Soft America: A French Perspective"
Response: Nigel Whiteley, Lancaster University
2:00 - 4:15 Modern Architecture: Anesthetics, Ideology, Reception
Joanna Merwood, Princeton University, "The Mechanization of Cladding: The Reliance Building ad Narratives of Modern Architecture"
Benjamin Flowers, University of Minnesota, "The Intentions of Most Advance Architects Imply a Social Revolution": Exhibition 15 and the New Masses"
Noah Chasin, City University of New York, "Louis Kahn's Ethical Brutalism"
Joseph Heathcott, Indiana University, "Four Vast Projects: Modernism, Public Housing, and the Visual Culture of Planning in St. Louis, 1940-1960"
Response: Kevin Harrington, Illinois Institute of Technology
4:15 - 5:30 Phenomenology and the Critique of Functionalism
Jorge Otero-Pailos, MIT, "American Roots: Norberg-Schultz's Late Formulations of Genius Loci as Aletheic Image"
Anthony Rayneford, University of Chicago, "Inventing Architectural Subjects: Functionalism, Imageability, and the Rhetoric of Experience in American Urbanism of the 1960's"
Response: Michael Hays, Harvard University
Concluding Discussion: 5:30
Followed by a reception.